Seminar - Methodological support to the implementation of Smart Specialisation in Latin America

  • 28 Oct 2021 to 26 Nov 2021

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) organised a series of five seminars aimed at fostering the debate on the most relevant Smart Specialisation pillars in order to strengthen skills and capacity that may be useful in the implementation phase. The seminars were organized within the framework of the project “Smart Specialisation in Latin America”.

Participants had the opportunity to hear from policy makers and practitioners in charge of innovation policies/strategies at the local and national level from the Latin American countries, with a particular focus on Mexico, Chile and Peru.

All sessions took place online and were developed around an interactive approach that presented study cases and practices. Senior experts from public institutions, academia, NGOs, private consultancies from both the EU and Latin America participated and provided different perspective and fostered a fruitful debate. 


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28th October 2021

  1. 5.00 – 7.30 pm CET
    Day 1: Introduction: what is S3? How is it adaptable to Latin America?


    • Genesis of S3 within the EU, its key characteristics (localisation, participation and prioritisation) and its evolution in the past decade.
    • Introduction to key concepts such as place-based policies, the Entrepreneurial-Discovery Process (EDP), S3 Governance, S3 Monitoring. 

    Interactive exercise will aim at: 

    • Identifying what aspects of S3 represent a novelty in LATAM countries, what aspects can be easily absorbed and/or adapted by the LATAM policy context (notwithstanding the differences across countries) and what aspects are more difficult to be implemented.  
    • Identifying potential topics of interest to be discussed in subsequent seminars.


    Agenda completa en Español 



4th November 2021

  1. 5.00 – 7.30 pm CET
    Day 2: Entrepreneurial Discovery Process: Participation and knowledge-based interaction for policy making


    • Evolution of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP).
    • Instruments that have been put in place to implement it. 
    • Key challenges emerged from the EU experience. 

    Interactive exercise will aim at: 

    • Discussing the participatory practices in place in the countries of participants.
    • Comparing incentives and obstacles.
    • Comparing instruments and tools for continuous engagement and co-creation of stakeholders in the policy process. 


    Agenda completa en Español 



9th November 2021

  1. 5.00 – 7.30 pm CET
    Day 3: Skills and capacities for S3: instruments, institution and implementation, monitoring


    • Aspects related to skills and capacities for Smart Specialisation.
    • Report the evidence collected over the years on the difficulties that public administrations face in implementing the strategy.

    Interactive exercise will aim at: 

    • Discussing the current level of skills and capacities for place-based policies for knowledge-based regional development in Latin America. 
    • Pointing out on the horizontal coordination across different policy domains.
    • Considering the relevance of stakeholders’ input.
    • If applicable, focusing on the multi-level dimension (i.e. regional, national).


    Agenda completa en Español 



16th November 2021

  1. 5.00 – 7.30 pm CET
    Day 4: The governance of Smart Specialisation


    • Introduction of the concept and the key issues surrounding governance of Smart Specialisation.
    • Focus on the complex coordination for place-based innovation policies which require the involvement of different governmental departments and stakeholders. 
    • Focus on the need for multi-level coordination, between the municipal, regional, national and transnational level.


    Interactive exercise will aim at: 

    • Focusing on the horizontal coordination across different policy domains. 
    • Taking into account the integration of stakeholders’ input.
    • If applicable, looking at the multi-level dimension (i.e. regional, national).


    Agenda completa en Español




23rd November 2021

  1. 5.00 – 7.30 pm CET
    Day 5: SDGs and Smart Specialisation


    • Aspects related to the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Smart Specialisation.
    • “Transformative Innovation Policies”.

    Interactive exercise will aim at: 

    • Discussing how SDGs are currently present in the STI policy debate and practice.
    • Discussing to what extent they can be further integrated in place-based STI policy.


    Agenda completa en Español



Practical Information

28 Oct 2021 to 26 Nov 2021
Registration Information

Registered participants will receive the link to the event the day before



What is Smart Specialisation? 

It is a place-based approach characterised by the identification of strategic areas for intervention based both on the analysis of the strengths and potential of the economy and on an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) with wide stakeholder involvement. Recent experiences of Smart Specialisation have confirmed that this approach is not only valuable at European level, but also at a global scale.

@European Commission