Digital Innovation
Boosting digital innovation in economy and society - an important enabler for the Green and Digital transition.
Digital Innovation for Industry
SMEs, the cornerstone of the EU economy, need to embark upon the digitalisation challenge and by introducing new innovative production processes, new business models and upgraded innovative products achieve their digital transformation. Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) aim to ensure that SMEs will benefit from advanced digital technologies (including Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity and Digital skills). As powerful policy tools they will support national/regional policy makers in implementing the regional innovation strategies (including S3/S4) and to facilitate the recovery of their economies.
European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will present a more specific profile and funded by the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) they will incorporate both local and European functions forming a pan-European network ready to adress any digitalisation need of SMEs and beyond. EDIHs will be proposed by the respective Member States and apart from SMEs will also target public sector organisations to support them in their effort towards digitalisation. On top of the financing from the DIGITAL Programme the successful EDIHs will receive financial support by their respective Member State's national or regional authorities.
In more general terms the major funding mechanisms that aim to facilitate and ensure the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society during the new programming period 2021-2027 are:
- Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), a 7.5 billion EUR investment mechanism which will fuel projects in the areas of supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and advanced digital skills
- HORIZON Europe, an ambitious investment programme for R&D, a proven success story with high added value for the European socioeconomic landscape that will be renewed for the next financial period 2021-2027
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) decentralised Cohesion funds and Next Generation EU funding mechanisms which aim to mitigate the economic and social impact of the COVID19 pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions.
Related links
- Digital Europe Programme (DEP), a new EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations
- European Digital Innovation Hubs, relevant policies
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Policy making Europe fit for the digital age
- Horizon Europe, the next EU Research & Innovation Investment Programme (2021-2027)
- Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU to help the EU emerge stronger and more resilient from the current crisis.
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The Science meets Regions programme is an initiative aiming to “advance evidence for policy at local and regional level”, which was adopted by the European Parliament in December 2020, and is implemented by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre in close consultation with the Committee of the...
A new call for the DIH Champions Challenge 2020 is open until 2/10. Learn more and apply.
The S3 Platform seeks to collect information from all stakeholders involved in S3 related activities about emerging initiatives that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as redeployment/reorganisation of activities that foster recovery processes.
Implementing the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in EU Regions
European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and the digital transition of regions
Workshop: Digital Maturity Tool and the Innovation Radar
Building upon the knowledge gained during the last two years on how Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) operate in different regional socioeconomic contexts this practical handbook aims to provide national/regional policy makers and/or existing DIH managers useful and structured information on how to...
- Kalpaka A., Sorvik J., Tasigiorgou A.
This report explores with a comparative approach the regional variation in organisation and implementation of DIHs across six (6) different EU regions: Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), Wielkopolska (Poland), Northern Ostrobothnia (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Andalusia (Spain) and Central Macedonia...
- Johan Miorner, Annita Kalpaka, Jens Sorvik, Joakim Wernberg
This report presents the results of a DIH Survey conducted among DIH managers and regional policy managers working with Smart Specialisation Strategies all over the EU28.
- Johan Miorner, Gabriel Rissola, Jens Sorvik, Joakim Wernberg