Implementing the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in EU Regions
How is the European Union helping SMEs and public organisations to their digital transformation? A new policy instrument for 2021-2027 is the implementation of a network of European DIHs in the EU regions. The first 136 EDIHs are selected for funding from the DIGITAL Programme with more to...European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and the digital transition of regions
The workshop is targeting regional/national policy makers and DIH/EDIH stakeholders with main objectives: a) update them on the state-of-play of the development of the network of EDIHs in Member States and regions funded by the DIGITAL Programme b) present a new tool on measuring digital maturity...Workshop: Digital Maturity Tool and the Innovation Radar
During this webinar a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of customers of the EDIHs will be presented and feedback from participants will be heard.EWRC 2020: The role of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in the post-COVID19 era
In the middle of a new economic crisis due to the recent COVID19 pandemic SMEs in the EU are more than ever in need to apply advanced digital technologies in order to resume their business, benefit from remote working capabilities and apply new business models and innovations in an effort to stay...EWRC 2019 Workshop: Digital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Strategies
JRC S3P together with DG CNECT A2 and the consortium DIHNET.EU are organising the Workshop: "Digital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Strategies for digital transformation" during the EWRC 20196th Digital Innovation Hubs Workshop on Digital tools and Marketplaces
6th Working Group meeting of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), 03/04/2019, BrusselsDigital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Workshops
On the 28th the S3 Platform organised a workshop on the topic of Smart Specialisation and Digital Innovation Hubs in the Brussels EIT House. Around 30 representatives from Regional administrations, Digital innovation hubs and European commission services participated.Digital Assembly 2017 in Valletta: "Digital Europe: Investing in the Future"
The Digital Assembly 2017 will take place in Valletta, Malta. It is an event co-organised by the European Commission and the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.2016 EU Innovation Procurement event
It is the second major event organised by the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (eafip) initiative, launched by the EC to mainstream, promote and assist the implementation of Innovation Procurements in Europe.