Call for contribution on emerging initiatives to respond to the Covid-19 crisis

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The S3 Platform seeks to collect information from all stakeholders involved in S3 related activities about emerging initiatives that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as redeployment/reorganisation of activities that foster recovery processes.

Many innovation ecosystems in Europe have very rapidly responded to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Different firms have modified their business patterns to produce equipment or provide services that are urgently needed (e.g. the automotive sector adapting its production chains and several SMEs and start-ups have mobilised experimental projects to build respirators or produce protective material, building on / or adapting their S3 specialisation activities, such as textile technologies, 3D printing techniques, etc.).

At the same time, public authorities at various territorial levels are accompanying the process to increase the coordination and interactions between different agents, with already promising results in terms of cooperative innovative solutions.

The S3 Platform invites all stakeholders involved in S3 related activities, to provide on a voluntary basis information and/or a short account about emerging initiatives that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as redeployment/reorganisation of activities that foster recovery processes.


The objectives are to

  1. identify practices of transformation and adaptability of regional/national innovation ecosystems; 
  2. highlighting the role of S3 activities and strategic investments that are necessary for the recovery strategy; and
  3. to disseminate good practices.


Caroline Cohen