Overview by country
Compilation by country of S2E contributions
Overview by country:
Now that all National events took place, here is an overview with links to respective National Facts & Figures (+ Regional Information is any), S2E Country Report, National Event and Joint statement. A link to Synergies Examples has now been added by country (**).
(*) The National Event pages feature the presentations given as well as the Joint Statement issued as an outcome of each event.
(**) Synergies Examples are available in which SF/ ESIF and FP7/H2020 funds have been combined through Sequential and/ or Parallel Funding for each EU13 countries. Further Synergies examples are available for France, UK and there is an international case and the table of 25 Synergies Examples can be re-order by S&T Theme, Type of Synergies or Country.
A S2E Policy Insight summarises the main lessons learnt from the S2E National Events, taken place during 2015/2016 and provided a unique platform for a better understanding of the European and national R&I ecosystems. It also demonstrates how the Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) and synergies between different European national funding can help closing the innovation gap across European territories.
S2E Tool:
A tool was developped to visualize and compare Research & Innovation investments under different funding channels and EU programmes across EU Regions:
- The R&I Regional Viewer (ESTAT/ ESIF/ H2020 data) allows to visualize and compare 3 sets of data: main economic indicators from Eurostat, planned R&I-related investments under ESIF, and Horizon 2020 funding captured by stakeholders across EU Regions.