Universities for place-based innovation and systemic transformation

  • 15 Dec 2023 to 15 Dec 2023

How do universities contribute to place-based innovation? Are these contributions customised to the local needs of the places where they are located? And how can our higher education institutions help support the twin transition and transform our economies?

Learn more at the final event of the project Higher Education for Smart Specialisation, and discuss together with us the current and future roles of universities in place-based innovation and systemic transformation.

The presentations are under agenda.

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15 December 2023

  1. 10:00-10:20
    Welcome and introduction

    Mikel Landabaso (JRC) and Luca Perego (DG EAC)

  2. 10:20-10:40
    HESS over the years – the evolution from HESS I to HESS IV

    John Edwards

  3. 10:40-11:10
    Higher education transnational alliances within their local ecosystems

    John Edwards

  4. 11:10-11:40
    Skills for S3 and Transition under different EU funding streams (ERDF/ESF/RRF)

    Marie Lalanne (ppt)

  5. 11:40-11:50
    Coffee break
  6. 11:50-12:20
    Higher Education and Partnerships for Regional Innovation

    Alessio Cavicchi (ppt)

  7. 12:20-12:35
    Leadership in universities for transformative innovation

    Sjoerd Louwaars (SIRIS) (ppt)

  8. 12:35-12:50
    Advisory Group perspective and sum-up

    John Goddard

  9. 12:50-13:00
    Conclusions and Closure

    Margherita Bacigalupo and Karel Haegeman

Practical Information

15 Dec 2023 to 15 Dec 2023


Universities for place-based innovation and systemic transformation
