Smart Specialisation for Regional Growth in Georgia and the forthcoming Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP)

  • 31 May 2022
  • Akaky Tsereteli State University (ATSU), Kutaisi

Georgia is one among five Eastern Partnership countries that have expressed interest in applying smart specialisation approach. Georgia has taken important actions by mobilising national and regional smart specialisation teams, launching S3 in the pilot Imereti region, completing series of studies for mapping economic and innovative potentials of the region, and identifying the most perspective domains for Enterprise Discovery Process (EDP). 

The present event initiates the EDP in Imereti. It attempts to raise awareness on Smart Specialisation and its core component - EDP as well as to present main findings based on the mapping analysis on existing economic and innovative data and to discuss related further plans.

Profile of participants:

The event is directed to representatives of national policy developing institutions, regional and local administrations of Imereti region, as well as other key stakeholders - relevant business and academic organizations and CBOs dealing with local development and societal challenges.

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31 May 2022

  1. 11.30 - 12.00
    Registration of participants
  2. 12.00 - 12.15
    Opening Remarks
    • Mzia Giorgobiani, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI)
    • Zviad Shalamberidze, State Trustee in Imereti Region 
    • Colombe de Mercey, Team Leader, Governance and Human Capital, EU Delegation to Georgia (via videoconference)
  3. 12.15 - 12.35
    The Smart Specialisation (S3) Framework in the EU Neighbouring Region and in Georgia - its role in economic transformation and innovation-driven growth
    • Nikola Radovanovic, Senior Policy Officer – Coordinator for the Smart Specialisation framework for the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
    • Manuel Gonzalez Evangelista, Economic and Policy Analyst, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
  4. 12.35 - 12.50
    Prerequisites for piloting S3 platform in Georgia and the current state of play
    • Revaz Kakulia, Head of European Integration Department, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI)
  5. 12.50 - 13.10
    Results of recent Qualitative Study on Imereti S3 Priority Domains
    • Zviad Archuadze, JRC Local Expert
  6. 13.10 - 13.30
    International experience - cases from other countries/regions
    • Nino Damenia, JRC International Expert 
  7. 13.30 - 13.50
    EDP plan for Imereti
  8. 13.50 - 14.00
    Q&A / Concluding remarks
    • MRDI & EDP Imereti Management Team
  9. 14:00 – 14:20
    Exhibition of apparel/shoes production samples by the ATSU Engineering and Technology Faculty students
  10. 14:20 – 15:00
    Lunch (tbc)

Practical Information

31 May 2022

Akaky Tsereteli State University (ATSU), Kutaisi

Registration Information

By invitation only


Smart Specialisation (S3) platform developed for higher impact of the research and innovation investments for knowledge-based economic transformation of EU countries has been met with a lot of interest also beyond the EU and its Cohesion Policy. Its successful application requires institutional capacity and commitment on the public administration side; good evidence base showing economic, innovative and scientific potential at regional level; open dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders representing business, academia and civic society and viable monitoring, financing and implementation systems.