ECRN co-organised the Second Partnership Meeting in Brussels
Please get to know some of our partnerships' investment ideas
The Joint Research Centre in close collaboration with the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA) and the Andalusian Energy Agency hosted a full day consultation activity on the Review of the Industrial Transition of Andalusia at its Seville location on Friday 8 of November...
Today, the Commission publishes recommendations by a group of experts, the Strategic Forum on Important Projects of Common European Interest, to boost Europe's competitiveness and global leadership in six strategic and future-oriented industrial sectors: Connected, clean and autonomous vehicles;...
To establish and support networking between interested regions in order to facilitate inter-regional collaboration and identify opportunities for funding of joint projects, a mapping exercise has been launched.
First fact-finding and stakeholder consultation meetings for the Review of Industrial Transition of Greece took place on the 10th October 2019 in Athens, Greece
The session will focus on the use of open-data in monitoring and evaluation Smart Specialisation Strategies and preparation for the next programming period.
Share your views on the 12 proposed institutionalised partnerships under Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027) until the 6th of November 2019.
The consultation on the “Orientations towards the Implementation Strategy of the research and Innovation framework programme Horizon Europe” is open until the 4th of October 2019.
Deadline: 16th of October 2019 at 16:00