Strengthening Strategic Value Chains for a future-ready EU Industry - report of the Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest
Today, the Commission publishes recommendations by a group of experts, the Strategic Forum on Important Projects of Common European Interest, to boost Europe's competitiveness and global leadership in six strategic and future-oriented industrial sectors: Connected, clean and autonomous vehicles; Hydrogen technologies and systems; Smart health; Industrial Internet of Things; Low-carbon industry; and Cybersecurity.
To strengthen our industrial base, Europe needs to build on its assets. Batteries and cybersecurity are some of the many strategic and future oriented business areas where boosting Europe’s competitive advantage can generate growth across industrial sectors, value chains and regions, all while strengthening the EU’s role on the global stage.
Europe needs more industrial cross border cooperation, with strong European players in such key business areas. EU Member States and companies must join forces to stay at the forefront of the technological revolutions that will drive our competitiveness and economic development.
With concrete recommendations to develop these strategic areas, the report of the Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest is an important contribution to a common vision for the EU’s industrial future.
Please find all relevant documents here:
Press release :
Link to the report (and annex) :
Link to the factsheet: