Main areas

S3 Beyond EU

The European roots of Smart Specialisation have gradually grown beyond EU borders, and Smart Specialisation has started inspiring several countries and regions around the world.

International Cooperation

Initiatives, good practices, strategies and roadmaps taking place in other latitudes to foster the establishment of cooperation bridges between territories.

Partnerships for Regional Innovation

The Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) are a new approach to place-based innovation policy which builds on positive experiences with smart specialisation strategies.

Latest news

Latest events

Smart Specialisation Strategies
Over 180 Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) have been developed, at regional and national level.
Smart Stories
The Smart Stories provide a direct account from managing authorities on the ways in which they implement their Smart Specialisation Strategies.
Regions registered
In total, 19 EU Member States and 7 non-EU countries as well as 180 EU and 42 non-EU Regions have registered.