
Industrial Modernisation

7th Meeting of the Working Group on Digital Innovation Hubs

What role will Digital Innovation Hubs play in the Digital Europe Programme? How will funding work? How can collaboration betwee hubs be fostered any further? These issues will be discussed in the next meeting of the Working Group on Digital Innovation Hubs.

EIT Awareness Days in Vilnius

The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and the EIT are organising an EIT Awareness Day in Vilnius, with the aim to raise awareness of the EIT Community, its activities and, in particular, of cooperation opportunities among relevant national stakeholders.

EIT Awareness Days in Riga

The Ministry of Education and Science and the EIT are organising an EIT Awareness Day in Riga, with the aim to raise awareness of the EIT Community, its activities and, in particular, of cooperation opportunities among relevant national stakeholders.

Collaboration Lab - Social Economy Partnership

On the 14th of February the next meeting of the Social Economy partnership will take place in Pamplona, Spain, which is going to be a Collaboration Lab organised by ReConfirm

EU Industry Days 2019

The event, on 5-6 February, will demonstrate how EU industrial policy benefits European citizens and provide input for future policy making.

S3 Thematic Platforms Days: Conference and Meetings

The S3 Thematic Platformd Days: Conference and Meetings, co-hosted by the Basque Country, consisted of a Joint Thematic Platforms Conference and three independent platform-specific meetings.

Training workshop for pilot lines

The EPPN is organising a specific session with regions to discuss different activities like: • Coordination to future research policy and innovation directions, • Identify and recommend strategy development at European, national and regional level, with particular focus on innovation barriers and...