
S3 Beyond EU

Workshop on Research and Innovation in the EUSAIR

The purpose of the Workshop held as a side event to the 3rd Annual Forum of the EUSAIR was to stimulate the debate on how to promote Research and Innovation cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region (EUSAIR). Starting from an introduction on the European strategic framework, the event...

Smart Specialisation in EU and Latin America

The S3 Platform organises the discussion panel: "Smart Specialisation in Latin America and the EU, Regional Challenges, Transcontinental Opportunities" in the framework of next Latin American Studies Association congress (Barcelona, 2018). The session will showcase examples of smart...

EIT Awareness Day in Serbia

The EIT and the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development are organising an ‘EIT Awareness Day’ in Belgrade with the aim of raising awareness among relevant national stakeholders on the activities of the EIT Community and in particular of collaboration opportunities.

JRC Macro-Regional Innovation Week 2018

The JRC is organising from 24 to 26 January 2018 in Ispra (IT) the event "Macro-Regional Innovation Week" with a focus on Science and Technology (S&T) Knowledge for Policy Support and Collaboration within the EU Macro-Regions linked and the Western Balkans and with a special emphasis on the Smart...

Smart towns in Central and Eastern Europe Workshop

The conference is organized by the Strategic Research & Innovation Partnership (SRIP) for Smart Cities and Communities, with over 150 Slovenian companies and organizations, which are coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute and.