Smart Specialisation in EU and Latin America

  • 23 May 2018 to 25 May 2018
  • Barcelona

The S3 Platform organises the discussion panel: "Smart Specialisation in Latin America and the EU, Regional Challenges, Transcontinental Opportunities" in the framework of next Latin American Studies Association congress (Barcelona, 2018). The session will showcase examples of smart specialisation adaptation in Latin America as well as the cooperation opportunities with EU.

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23 May 2018 to 25 May 2018


The Smart Specialisation approach (S3) is being an inspiratory driver of regional innovation not only within the EU but also beyond. S3 promotes the enhancement of territorial capacities by maximizing innovation with and from local resources, players and know-how. Some Latin American countries are integrating the S3 approach in policies oriented to empower regional innovation. Accordingly, this slot aims at presenting research work emerging from the implementation of the smart specialisation in EU, its adaptation in Latin America as well as the opportunities for cooperation and challenges in both sides

The session will showcase examples of smart specialisation adaptation in Latin America as well as the cooperation opportunities with EU through the following research articles:

1. Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Brasilia, Neantro Saavedra (University of Tsukuba) and Javier Gómez (JRC, European Commission), 
2. Industrial complexes in Mexico and smart specialisation, Amado Villarreal González (Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Publica, Tecnológico de Monterrey)
3. Competitive districts, cooperation European Union – Latin America, Luis Fierro, EU-LAC Foundation 
4. Latin America -EU, region to region cooperation on smart specialisation, Cristiano Cagnin (CGEE) and Paulo Egler (IBICT/MCTIC)