Kick-Off Sectorial Dialogues project: smart specialisation in Brazil

  • 16 Nov 2017 to 17 Nov 2017
  • National Research Centre (CNPq), Brasilia

Smart Specialisation in Brazil, challenges and opportunities for regional policies of Innovation

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16 Nov 2017 to 17 Nov 2017
National Research Centre (CNPq), Brasilia


On 16th November the Sectorial Dialogues project: Smart Specialisation in Brazil, challenges and opportunities for regional policies of Innovation kicked-off with the participation of representatives of Brazilian presidency, ministries of Integration, Science and Technology, National Research Centre (CNPq), Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology (IBICT), centre of Strategic Studies (CGEE) and EU delegation in Brasilia. The JRC (Unit B3) contributes in this project by providing methodological guidance and facilitating the exchanges with practitioners of smart specialisation in EU.


  • Citizens' empowerment, interest in large interaction between national and subnational levels as well as bilateral cooperation between Brazil and EU were highlighted as key aspects of smart specialisation approach in the Country
  • Capitalising on existing local/regional evidences, data and information should be a key step to assure empowerment in local actors and relationship with existent initiatives, avoiding perceiving S3 as some alien policy instrument.
  • The characteristics of regional innovation systems in Brazil as well as the scarce presence of regional entities to lead innovation, make necessary a combination of national and subnational levels as part of the S3 customization. The Pernambuco experience is an example: the process was not entirely bottom-up as it started with pre-identified "sectors" of specialisation: automotive and clothing.  However, this "sectorial" pre-identification (based on evidences and previous analysis) favored quadruple helix dialogues in a more effective way leading to identify "priorities" of specialisation.
  • The region of  ParanĂ¡ has been selected as the target territory. The reason of this choice is based on the potential critical mass of innovation actors in the region and also to facilitate synergies with the project Innoval Brazil (which also includes the states of ParĂ¡ and Pernambuco).


  • In January 2018, first insights for the customisation process of S3 in Brazil will be ready for discussion
  • In April 2018, discussion with national and regional stakeholders will take place in order to identify an action plan based on this customisation.

