Fifth PRI Plenary meeting - Pilot's stocktaking and co designing PRI’s next steps
- 27 Feb 2023
Online event.
The PRI pilot implementation is highlighting Interregional Cooperation as a core element in the PRI approach. In the 4th Plenary, held on 14th December 2022, PRI members identified the key factors for interregional cooperation to contribute to their needs in their transition to sustainability.
This 5th Plenary aims to advance towards its implementation, agreeing on the steps forward and paving the way for strengthening its political endorsement.
The 5th PRI Plenary has been designed as a 3-hour morning session, with 3 main blocks:
- Learnings gathered on Interregional Cooperation and the way ahead for implementation,
- Stocktaking in the activities of PRI Working Groups and
- Preparation for the PRI High Level Event, that will take place in Brussels on 28th of March 2023.
February 27
10:00-10:10Institutional welcome
10:15-10:30Stocktaking on PRI Interregional Cooperation
10:30 - 11:15Overview of PRI Mapping & Outcome of the Working
Groups Meetings:
WG1. Strategic Policy Framework and Governance
WG2. Open Discovery Process and Local Missions. CHOIRS
WG3. Policy and Action mix
11:15 - 11:30Inter-territorial Working Group on Transformative Innovation for Climate Resilience
11.30-12.45PRI High Level Event “From Playbook to Implementation”. Brussels 28th March 2023
12:45Conclusions & next steps
Practical Information
- When
- 27 Feb 2023
- Where
Online event.
- Registration Information
By invitation only (For PRI Pilot participants).
Policy Framework
- A New European Innovation Agenda
- "Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery"
- The European Green Deal
- REPowerEU
- ‘Forging a climate-resilient Europe – the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change’
Main objectives
The PRI Plenary meetings bring together Pilot Participants to discuss key PRI concepts and relevant experiences. Their aim is to bring together, synthesise and explore insights and analyses from the working groups, co-create the PRI building blocks, develop an approach for PRI monitoring and evaluation and support capacity building in the territories. The PRI Plenaries will additionally foster cross-border partnerships to advance towards the development of regional innovation valleys in support of the New European Innovation Agenda.
The first meeting of the Pilot Plenary (7th July 2022) presented the policy context around PRI, the PRI Playbook and a proposal for a PRI Pilot roadmap, outlining the organisation of pilot activities.
The Partnerships for Regional Innovation approach
Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) is a new strategic approach to innovation-driven territorial transformation, aimed at linking EU priorities with national plans and territorial challenges and opportunities. In May 2022, the Joint Research Centre published the first ‘Partnerships for Regional Innovation Playbook’ that can serve as a basis for co-creation with the seventy-four territories that were selected to take part to the PRI Pilot. The four Member States, 63 regions, seven cities and six networks that are part of the pilot will co-develop and test new tools and governance mechanisms to integrate initiatives and investment in strategic areas and link placed-based opportunities and challenges to EU priorities.
The Partnerships will be firmly anchored in the EU policy framework, supporting the implementation of the European Green Deal, Horizon Europe, Cohesion policy and NextGenerationEU. Particular attention will be placed on tools and governance mechanisms that mobilise multiple sources of funding and policies to amplify impact and that can help connect regional and national initiatives to EU initiatives for the twin transition.