Crete (EL43)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Irakleio
  • Region size icon 8.340 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 623.633 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 8.913,12 (2021)
  • % of the National GDP 4,91 (2021)
  • % of Unemployment 12,20 (2022)
  • Regional GERD (%) 1,95 (2020)
  • S3 related National Website 
Urban Data Platform

S3 Thematic Platforms

S3 Priorities


Name Description
The knowledge – innovation nexus Emphasis will be placed on promising cutting edge research (biomedical, nanotech, computing, materials), which can support the expansion of the productive tissue towards new competitive knowledge-intensive activities, the launching of start-ups springing from this high quality RTD, the attraction of relevant investment, and of researchers, from around the world, promoting brain circulation, and building human capital, focusing on the interaction of local research prowess coupled with local advantages (e.g. strong laser RTD coupled with cultural heritage exploration and exploitation).
The environment-sustainability nexus Emphasis is placed on energy efficiency and renewables to reduce carbon footprint, rationalisation of use of depletable/sensitive resources (e.g. water resources), dealing with climate change, protecting biodiversity, recycling and integrated waste management, green technologies.
The culture-tourism nexus Emphasis is placed on the interaction between the two, and their mutual strengthening, and on factors that can reinforce this, such as ICT applications, Cretan culture and heritage as a differentiating tourism attractor, upgrading of product/services, infrastructures/logistics, linkages with local economies, expanding the value chain.
The agriculture-nutrition nexus The emphasis is on coupling agrifood to relevant RTDI, towards producing high value-added attractive products, both in traditionally strong produce categories, as well as in new, emerging categories, such highly nutritional seafood products, and exploring links with local brand gastronomy, gastro-tourism, health/quality-of-life aspects of the Cretan brand (Cretan diet).
Technology and education especially for agro-food and culture and tourism Technology and education (research centres, universities, technology park) and especially for agro-food and culture and tourism

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



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  • Phone: 0030-2813410171