Greece (EL)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Athens
  • Region size icon 132.049 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 10.459.782 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 181.674,60 (2021)
  • % of the National GDP 100,00 (2021)
  • % of Unemployment 12,60 (2022)
  • Regional GERD (%) 1,45 (2021)
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Culture, Tourism and Creative economy Explore and foster interactions across parallel value chains (tourism, culture, creative industries), exploiting the possibilities afforded by ICTs, imaging technologies, open innovation, branding, 'experience' tourism, holistic approach to tourism and cultural heritage, experimentation with living labs (virtual or not), etc.
Materials and Construction Enhanced outward-looking competitiveness, expansion of the value chain towards new materials (nanomaterials, advanced materials, polymers, etc.), smart materials, biomedical use materials, self-repairing materials, exploration of uses of new star materials such as graphene, multi-functional materials, 'hardware'-promising materials (thermomechanical features) and 'software'-promising ones (smart, self-repairing, feedback-providing, info-processing).
Transport and logistics Emphasis will be given on completion of a national transportation and logistics system, interconnectivity with the rest of the EU, outward-looking competitiveness, collaboration across the value chain and exploitation of interlinkages with other activities, smart and logistics systems, enhanced interoperability, accessibility and territorial cohesion/connectedness, sustainable transport.
Environment and sustainability Pursue 'green' innovation and entrepreneurship, recycling, integrated waste management, climate change and environmental impact mitigation, disaster prevention and mitigation, oil spill fighting technologies, smart networks, reduction of carbon footprint, biodiversity protection, etc.
Energy and its cross-cutting implications (transport, industrial production Emphasis on renewables, efficiency enhancement technologies, cost-reduction of energy as a key input, outward-looking competitiveness, environmental impacts, smart grids, fuel cells, renewables-sourced energy storage, etc.)
Informatics and telecommunication services Focus on outward-looking competitiveness, on exploring links with horizontal, enabling technologies, and transversal applications throughout the Greek economy (e.g. energy, logistics, agrifood, environment, health, tourism and culture). Key emerging technologies and aspects will be pursued (big data, gamification, future internet structures, 5G technologies, data mgmt. and computational models, learning technologies, human-machine interaction, 'smart' transversal applications).
Health and pharmaceuticals Biomaterials, tissue engineering, functional foods and nutraceuticals, diagnostic techniques, drug-delivery mechanisms, customized medication, biosensors, bioinformatics and nanomedical applications, telemedicine.
Agrifood-nutrition Emphasis on high value-added, high nutritional quality, internationally competitive goods, modernized production systems, contributing to economic prosperity and quality-of-life. The link with health/cultural/dietary/gastronomic aspects will be pursued.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities

Digital Innovation Hubs

Technical Competences

Services Provided

Market Sectors

You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool