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Appendix FW Document on EDP

List of Good Practices in the Regions. In a collaborative endeavour, the consortium partners are analysing the design and implementation of EDP in different regional contexts. The final objective of the Beyond EDP project is to provide the most efficient methodologies and practices to policy...

Klaus Detterbeck (Beyond EDP Interreg Europe project 2017)
Framework Document on EDP

The Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth puts high premium on innovation policies. European regions are playing an important role in this respect as they are seen as providing the territorial space for innovation networks. More precisely, regions are encouraged to...

Klaus Detterbeck (Beyond EDP Interreg Europe project 2017)
10 Things to Know About Transnational Cooperation

Transnational cooperation underpins EU Cohesion Policy and other strategic EU priority areas, including environmental, transport, energy, social, and macro-regional strategies.

Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook

This Handbook is conceived to encourage regions and cities from all over Europe to adopt the Innovation Camps methodology as a tool to address collectively and effectively societal and economic challenges concerning local societies in a European context – notably in the field of Research and...

Gabriel Rissola, Hank Kune, Paolo Martinez
Capitalising on Smart Specialisation and Interreg, the case of energy

This paper suggests that the promotion of inter-regional collaboration – during the implementation of the research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) –can be complemented by the experience gained by the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) instrument (also known as...

Javier Gómez Prieto, Inmaculada Periañez-Forte, Manuel Palazuelos Martinez
Making the Most of Macro-regional Strategies

This publication covers a wide range of topics, such as the involvement of regional parliaments in macro-regional strategies, general aspects of governance, policy integration, cross-sectorial cooperation, as well as monitoring and evaluation of macro-regional strategies.

Interact Programme
Macro-regional strategies and their links with cohesion policy

The study ‘Macro-regional strategies and their links with cohesion policy’ aims at describing the main features of each macro-region (Baltic, Danube, Adriatic and Ionian, and Alpine) through a range of macroeconomic, competitiveness, integration and governance indicators.