According to the S3 Framework, Albania has finalized the context analysis, through the Quantitative and Qualitative mapping, and conducted the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) phase. Main domains explored during the EDP phase are:
Domains: Agriculture Fisheries and Aquaculture; Manufacturing; Energy; Accommodation and support service activities; Information and Communication; Administrative and support service activities.
Cross-sectorial identified areas: Blue economy; Healthy food; Renewable resources energy; Extended BPOs
Inputs from EDP working groups will complement outcomes from the mapping phase, contributing to the drafting the final S3.
During the EDP in Albania there have been different types of events: national events, sectorial workshops, roundtables, bilateral meetings with cross-border countries, interviews, etc.
Considering the importance of this process for the Albanian Government and the fact that it covers a wide number of sectors, from February 2023 the process is coordinated by the Deputy Prime Minister leading the S3 Interministerial Committee and assisted by the National S3 Team.
Smart Specialisation Strategy will be a priority of the Government of Albania and an important instrument for directing future investments in the priority areas and in developing a knowledge based society.