Workshop & S3P-Industry 6th Steering Committee Meeting
- 04 Mar 2020 to 05 Mar 2020
- Lombardy Region, Milan, Italy
Workshop & S3P-Industry 6th Steering Committee Meeting, Milan, Italy
Read moreAgenda and Presentations
Please find here the draft agendas of the workshop and Steering Committee meeting.
Practical Information
- When
- 04 Mar 2020 to 05 Mar 2020
- Where
- Lombardy Region, Milan, Italy
- Registration Information
- Registration is closed
We regret to inform you that due to the current situation in the region of Lombardy, we unfortunately have to cancel these events.
We will get back to you all as early as possible with information on when and where the S3P-Industry SC meeting will be organised.
The S3P-Industry 6th Steering Committee Meeting will take place in Milan, Italy on the 4th and 5th of March 2020. This event will be kindly hosted by the Region of Lombardy.
The S3P-Industry invites its 21 partnerships as well as the Energy and Agri-Food S3 partnerships, and relevant European Commission services to meet and exchange during two days in Milan:
1) 4 March 2020 - Workshop in the framework of the SC meeting
The main aim of this first day will be to have an extended discussion with the 23 partnerships involved under the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation. Starting from the JRC introduction on the maturity of the partnerships and of the progress implementing the platform’s methodology, the objective is:
- to exchange experiences among partnerships on the learn and connect phase, including the exchange of good practices from other thematic partnerships/platforms/EU initiatives.
- to present ongoing support activities/initiatives and opportunities for the learn and connect phase.
- to present the first lessons learned from the pilot action on interregional innovation
- to discuss on the progress toward the development of mature co-investment projects in the partnerships
- to understand specific needs of the partnerships engaged in the demonstration phase and the challenges toward upscale and commercialisation
The discussion will be organised in several breakout sessions. The partnerships will be requested to indicate their session preference during their registration.
2) 5 March 2020: 6th S3P-Industry Steering Committee Meeting
The objective of the day is to provide updated information about different ongoing or future EU initiatives and programmes as currently implemented or proposed by different Commission services, which could be useful for exploiting future synergies with S3 partnerships. The programme also includes two sessions dedicated to cross fertilisation between partnerships and sharing of experiences from other cross-regional initiatives to accelerate interregional innovation and joint investment projects.
NB: These meetings will take place back-to-back the following events:
- On the 2nd and 3rd of March, the World Remanufacturing Summit 2020 hosted by Lombardy Region and Politecnico Milano.
- On Wednesday 4th of March, Lombardy Region will also host the European Advanced Manufacturing Support Centre – ADMA Learning Network Event on “Eco-Factory” (DG GROW/EASME), “De-and Remanufacturing solutions applications and related enabling technologies”. This side event for companies is on invitation only, but expressions of interest are open to all interested companies.
- 05 March 2020: Lombardy Region, “Sala Biagi” – Via Melchiorre Gioia, 37 (entrance N4) – 20124 Milano
- 04 March 2020: Lombardy Region, “Sala Convegni Taramelli 26” – Via Taramelli, 26 – 20124 Milano