VIII Workdays Catalunya - Future regions and cities of knowledge: Strategies for the economic CIAL PROGRESS

  • 18 Oct 2022 to 19 Oct 2022
  • Monestir de les Avellanes (La Noguera, Lleida)

The VII Workdays Catalunya Futura is organised by the Knowledge, Territory and Innovation Platform, participated by the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), with the support of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Foment del Treball Nacional, Small and Medium Enterprises of Catalonia (PIMEC) and Fundació la Caixa.

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Practical Information

18 Oct 2022 to 19 Oct 2022

Monestir de les Avellanes (La Noguera, Lleida)



The Workdays Catalunya Futura constitute a space for reflection, dialogue and proposals of high strategic value where the main challenges areas of knowledge, innovation and training are explored. The Conferences are restricted to the participation of forty academic authorities, political leaders, managers from the business world and representatives of civil society.

JRC has been invited to participate in this reflection and contribute to the session “The boost of knowledge and territorial innovation from the European perspective: strategies, policies and funds” where the PRI concept and its pilot inititave will be presented to illustrate a new approach to territorial innovation.