The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work
- 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016
- Sofia (BG)
The 7th European Evaluation Conference "The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work", organized by DG REGIO, highlights the benefits of evidence based policy making.
Read moreAgenda and Presentations
All material (presentations/ papers and posters) is available from the respective Programme and Competition Winners sections on the 7th European Evaluation Conference page
Practical Information
- When
- 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016
- Where
- Sofia (BG)
The 7th European Evaluation Conference "The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work" was organized by the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban Policy and Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. The conference highlighted the benefits of evidence based policy making. It was a showcase for the best evaluations, a place to discuss good practices in evaluation planning, and an opportunity to broaden the range of people involved in the evaluation of Cohesion Policy.
Cohesion Policy is the EU’s main investment policy, it targets all regions and many cities in the European Union in order to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development, and improve citizens’ quality of life. The need to understand how far these objectives have been met led to a stronger focus on results in the 2014-2020 Programming Period.
The European Commission's 2016 Evaluation Conference brings together Managing Authorities, evaluation experts, the academia, and stakeholders from across Europe for discussing 2 key questions:
- What has EU Cohesion Policy achieved in the last programming period?
- What are the challenges to the effectiveness of the interventions in the Programming Period 2014-20?
This is the 7th edition of the conference, the first of which was held in Brussels in 1995 and the most recent in Warsaw in 2009.
At the 2016 conference evaluation evidence on the performance of Cohesion Policy were presented, examining:
- Lessons learned from evaluations of the 2007-2013 period;
- The effectiveness of Cohesion Policy investments in different fields;
- The experience of Managing Authorities with the design of Evaluation Plans and the challenges for evaluation in 2014-2020.
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