The contribution of higher education institutions to innovation ecosystems: Innovative practices from Higher Education for Smart Specialisation
This report capitalises on the findings of eleven case studies undertaken under the Higher Education for Smart Specialisation (HESS) project during the period 2016-2020, identifying and proposing a structured typology of innovative practices of higher education (HE) engagement in innovation ecosystems in the context of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3).
The analysis identifies key themes and innovative practice examples from across case studies, developing a structured typology of innovative practices for higher education engagement in innovation ecosystems in the context of the design and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). More concretely, it contributes to identify: (i) The contribution of innovative practices to their regional innovation ecosystems and the design and implementation of S3. (ii) The key features of these practices that have made possible the transformative role of higher education in their regional innovation system, with particular attention to how they integrate education, research and innovation.