Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv): A tool to support policy cycle

  • 11 Oct 2022
  • Online event.

The TEDv provides a comprehensive territorial data visualization (at NUTS levels 0, 1, 2 and 3) of EU Research and Innovation (R&I) funding and beyond. Territorial statistical information includes macro-economic regional data, micro-level beneficiary information as well as a number of derived combined indicators from multiple data sources. Users can easily compare different R&I funds and perform territorial benchmarking at different NUTS levels. Results can be easily exported in several formats suitable for static and dynamic publications.

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Practical Information

11 Oct 2022

Online event.

Registration Information

European Week of Regions and Cities 2022


Access to relevant and timely data helps to support policy-decision making and to improve the effectiveness of policy intervention. Our workshop aims to present the “Territorial Economic Data viewer” (TEDv), developed by the JRC-B7, and to show the importance of data for monitoring and evaluation.