Synergies between the Transport component of Horizon 2020 and the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
Analysis to improve exploitation of transport research and innovation funding opportunities
The programming period 2014–2020 facilitates synergies between Horizon 2020 — the research and innovation programme of the EU — and the European Structural and Investment Funds. Cohesion policy has a complementary role to play with regard to what Horizon 2020 is able to achieve mainly in terms of capacity building and helping to smooth the path from innovation conception to market deployment. Transport remains one of the main priorities of the cohesion policy for the programming period 2014–2020, while also being one of the major societal challenges identified by Horizon 2020.
The present report aims to inform national and regional transport research authorities and stakeholders about the possibility to combine funding offered by the research and cohesion programmes 2014–2020, to specify important notions such as the smart specialisation concept — allowing Member States and regions to concentrate investments on their comparative advantages and to boost the creation of cross-European value chains — as well as to recommend measures aiming to maximise the exploitation of synergies for transport research such as strategic coordination of policies and programmes and enhanced communication between actors, while indicating potential transport areas where synergies could bring added value.