Smart Specialisation Strategies in Portugal

  • 11 Dec 2020 to 11 Dec 2020

The event aimed to bring together policy-makers, entrepreneurs, academia, and citizens to contribute to the debate on how to improve the governance and “Entrepreneurial Discovery Process” of Smart Specialisation Strategy in Portugal.

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Agenda and Presentations


09:15 - 09:30

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09:30 – 09:45

Opening Session

Moderator: Alessandro Rainoldi, HoU (unit B3), Joint Research Centre, European Commission

  • António Ceia da Silva, President CCDR-Alentejo
  • Mikel Landabaso, Director, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Caroline Callens, Portugal and Spain HoU (unit G2), DG  Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission

09:45 – 10:05

Keynote presentation (in portuguese)

Ana Abrunhosa, Ministra da Coesão Territorial

Estratégia Regional de Especialização Inteligente para a Coesão Territorial

10:05 – 11:5

Panel 1. Implementation of Smart specialiSation strategies in Portugal

Report available here

(in portuguese)

Moderator: André Pestana dos Santos, Programme Manager Portugal and Spain (unit G2), DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission


Implementação de Estratégias de Especialização Inteligente em Portugal: Avaliação (Apresentação) (Presentation in English)



  • António Figueiredo, CEO, Quaternaire Portugal
  • Ana Palmeira de Oliveira, CEO, Labfit – HPRD Lda.
  • António Bob Santos, Vogal Executivo, Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI)


11:50 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:25


Moderator: John Edwards, CICS.NOVA and Policy Experimentation & Evaluation Platform (PEEP)

Advancing S3 design and implementation – The case of Portugal (presentation)

  • Dominique Foray, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland



12:25 – 12:35


Wrap-up morning session

  • Caroline Callens, Portugal and Spain HoU (unit G2), DG  Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
  • Alessandro Rainoldi, HoU (unit B3), Joint Research Centre, European Commission

12:35 – 13:45

Lunch break

13:45 - 14:00

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14:00 – 14:05

Opening words

Jayne Woolford, Project leader, unit B3, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (presentation)

Joerg Niehoff, Policy Coordinator University Business Cooperation, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission (presentation)

14:05 – 14:50

Panel 3: Higher Education Institutions involvement in Smart Specialisation Strategies (in ENGLISH)

Moderator: Maria Palladino, Policy officer, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission


Higher Education and Smart Specialisation (Presentation)


  • Ana Costa Freitas, Rector, Universidade de Évora
  • Pedro Dominguinhos, President, Conselho Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos (CCISP)


14:50 – 15:00


  • Alessandro Rainoldi, HoU (unit B3), Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Closing words, Carmen Carvalheira, Vice-President, CCDR-Alentejo


Practical Information

11 Dec 2020 to 11 Dec 2020



The event brought together policy-makers, entrepreneurs, academia, and citizens to contribute to the debate on how to improve the governance and “Entrepreneurial Discovery Process” of Smart Specialisation Strategy in Portugal. 

Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is a place-based policy approach aiming to concentrate knowledge and innovation resources in a limited number of (new and existing) domains, where the territories have a competitive advantage. The design and implementation of S3 should not rely on traditional centralised policy making but, instead be combined with a bottom up Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP). This means engaging all relevant stakeholders to identify knowledge “domains” and economic activities with the potential to become drivers of socio-economic structural change.

The online event was open to the public, but registration is mandatory and places are limited. Some panels were in Portuguese and others in English. There was no simultaneous translation.

Register here