Smart Guide on Regional Transport Innovation Strategy

Publication article | | Ana M. Condeco Melhorado, Aris Christodoulou and Panayotis Christidis

This policy document builds on the RIS3 Guide and the Digital Agenda Toolbox and provides useful guidance for analysing different innovation areas in transport by giving specific examples and roadmaps how they can be implemented.


This guide provides regions with information and guidelines useful for the development of smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) in transport. The guide follows the six steps for Smart Specialization with a special focus in transport. The six steps include the analysis of the regional context and potential for innovation, the discussion of governance structure, the development of a shared vision about the future of the region, approaches for the selection of transport related priorities for regional development, policy mixes and options for the integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. The recommended process consists of a bottom-up analysis of regional capabilities of the industry and scientific community that needs to be aligned with national and European objectives. At the European level, the Strategic Transport Technological Plan (STTP) identifies ten innovation areas that will be extremely important for the future competitiveness of the transport sector. The guide also analyses different innovation area in the context of RIS3 methodology, showing specific examples and roadmaps on how these could be implemented in the regional innovation strategies. Finally tools are offered to analyse the innovation potential, performance and priorities in the transport sector, such as data and indicators regarding regional transport innovation, as well as methodologies to analyse innovation capabilities of European regions.



Smart guide on regional transport innovation strategy.pdf
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