Reconfirm Thematic partnership on Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism meeting

  • 29 Nov 2017 to 29 Nov 2017


Objective of the event was to reach an agreement on the focus area and joint possible transnational projects within the partnership and develop an action plan with clear division of roles for the following period of 6 months.

The first part of the meeting focused on a discussion on the scoping note which integrated mapping exercise already done. It was split into the parallel discussion on two themes digitalisation and safety.  The second one focused on the next steps of this partnership development regarding regional or interregional events on the areas identified.


Agenda and Presentations


Content of sessions





When registering at the desk, each participant gets 3 post-it on which to write the “pitch”, one word to describe: 1/ the need; 2/ the thematic area; 3/ themselves. These are collected at the coffee break on 3 posters on the “Sharing wall”.

When presenting themselves participant will start with those three words (This will give a summary of the need, the idea, and the community of individuals).




Introduction/purpose of the day/scene setting

Moderated roundtable to know each other, get acquainted and open up the discussion. One representative of each partner region will present themselves in 3 minutes (see back ground note with instructions to prepare yourselves).




Coffee Break used for a partner informal networking time

During the break Participants will select the investment idea/need on the “sharing wall”, and move their name close to it, so that everybody can select the ones to further focus on.




2 Parallel sessions on the six thematic priorities

Participants will split in 2 groups, according to their selected thematic areas (digitalization or safety), chosen during the preparatory interviews.

Participants will discuss and further detail and streamline them into possible investment propositions. (see back ground note with instructions for the thematic area leaders to prepare themselves).




Networking Lunch

Participants will interact in an informal way, and further discuss/exchange on the collaboration lab sessions.




 “Fishing net” plenary session

Each “sub-group” will present the investment proposition discussed in the parallel sessions to the plenary, so that all participants can challenge and expand the items emerging from each discussion and consider the possibility to join and further develop the investment idea.

At the end of the session, participants will declare their commitment to be part of the group further finalizing the specific investment proposition.

Practical Information

29 Nov 2017 to 29 Nov 2017