Preliminary report on KETs priorities declared by regions in the context of their work on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)

Publication article | | Jens Sörvik, Ruslan Rakhmatullin and Manuel Palazuelos Martínez

This report consists of information on KETs and Smart specialisation that the S3 Platform has developed and diffused and identified through participation in events on KETs. The first part of the report focuses briefly on the role of KETs in smart specialisation.


This report consists of information on KETs and Smart specialisation that the S3 Platform has developed and diffused and identified through participation in events on KETs. The first part of the report focuses briefly on the role of KETs in smart specialisation. The second part summarises policy recommendations and tools identified in KETs events. The third part provides maps on regional priorities related to KETs as declared by regions for their RIS3. The data for this section come from the new web-based priority mapping tool called Eye@RIS3. The initial findings are: (i) Regions tend to indicate that horizontal priorities need to be defined and these could KETs; (ii) financing of KETs raise concerns of state aid; (iii) all types of regions aim for KETs; and (iv) 2/3 of all regions that are in the "Eye@RIS3" mention KETs as a priority and around 20% of all priorities are KETs related.



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