Peer Review workshop for National RIS3 in Riga (LV)

  • 25 Feb 2014 to 26 Feb 2014
  • Riga (Latvia)

EU countries face a number of challenges for implementing and governing their smart specialisation strategies. In the S3 process, entrepreneurial actors play the leading role in discovering promising areas of future specialisation. One implication for policy makers is that this requires policy tools to collect the "entrepreneurial knowledge" embedded in the country to transform it into policy priorities

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Agenda and Presentations

Day 01

Welcome by the S3 Platform and Riga

Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia by State Secretary, Mrs. Sanda Liepina
Minister of Education and Science of Latvia by Adviser, Mr. Indrikis Muiznieks
S3 Platform, IPTS by Head of Unit, Mr. Xabier Goenaga
DG Regio by Policy officer, Ms. Tereza Krausova: Presentation

Plenary session: Implementation and Policy Mix

Claire Nauwelaers, STI Policy Expert: Presentation

Ms. Jurgita Petrauskiene, Director of Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA), Lithuania: Presentation
Mr. Åge Mariussen
, Institute Leader, University of Vaasa: Presentation
Introduction to Peer Review Sessions by S3 Platform

Parallel peer review I
Country presentation
Conclusion and key insights


Czech Republic
Country presentation
Conclusion and key insights


Mind map Latvia and Czech Republic
Conclusion and policy lessons from peer review I

Reflections from:
- Reviewers
- Latvia and Czech Republic
- Experts

Up-coming S3P activities? by S3 Platform

Day 02

How to use prioritization methods in the course of implementation of RIS3
Gundars Kulikovkis, FIDEA. Presentation
Insights from Day 01 and reallocation
S3 Platform, IPTS

Parallel peer review II
Country presentation
Conclusion and key insights

Country presentation
Conclusion and key insights


Mind map Estonia and England
Conclusion and policy lessons from peer review II

Reflections from:
- Reviewers
- Estonia and England
- Experts

Initiating Stairways to Excellence (S2E)

Invitation to contribute to the design and scope of S2E.

S2E is a project to reinforce synergies between RIS3 and H2020.

Andrea Conte, Knowledge for Growth, IPTS


Mind map (S2E)

Generic Reflections on Parallel peer review I and II

- Key policy issues to bring forward from the workshop
- Insights from countries
- Expert's conclusions

Concluding remarks, S3 Platform.


Practical Information

25 Feb 2014 to 26 Feb 2014
Riga (Latvia)
Registration Information
Registration is closed.


Policy Mix and S3 implementation

EU countries face a number of challenges when implementing and governing their smart specialisation strategies. In the S3 process, entrepreneurial actors play the leading role in discovering promising areas of future specialisation. One implication for policy makers is that this requires policy tools to collect the "entrepreneurial knowledge" embedded in the country to transform it into policy priorities. Moreover, the increasingly local and global combination and interaction of cross-sectoral and cross-border activities requires a policy mix that combine synergies across policy instruments to ensure its effectiveness.

Topics for discussion
This peer review aims at discussing key elements and challenges in the S3 implementation phase. Proposed themes for discussion include:

• How to take regional specificities into account in the national strategies? 
• How to develop a smart mix of policy instruments for S3? 
• What factors may influence the policy-mix development? (e.g. governance structures, capabilities, types of innovation actors, transnational co-operation?). 
• How to support priorities and objectives through policy action? 
• How to identify relevant policy measures for ICT driven innovation? 

Peer reviewed countries: Czech Republic, England, Estonia and Latvia.