Peer eXchange and Learning (PXL) workshop on skills for Smart Specialisation policy makers

  • 21 May 2019 to 21 May 2019
  • Palazzo Donini, Corso Vannucci, n. 96, Perugia (Italy)


Smart Specialisation approach introduced important changes in the policy process, setting substantial requirements in terms of governance arrangements and skills for policy making. As shown by the results of a recent survey carried out by the JRC, the design and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) have proven particularly challenging and demanding in terms of policy intelligence, skills and capabilities for public authorities and stakeholders. In addition, the survey revealed a general need for integrating new competences into different dimensions of the S3 process.

The S3 Platform is organising, in collaboration with the Umbria Region, a Peer eXchange and Learning (PXL) workshop on skills for S3 policy makers on 21 May 2019 in Perugia, Italy. The aim of the PXL workshop is to discuss what skills and institutional framework are needed for effective public action within the S3 context and explore the main challenges associated to the development of capabilities for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Smart Specialisation Strategies.


Agenda and Presentations






Moderator: Inmaculada Periañez Forte, Territorial Development Unit, JRC, European Commission


Lucio Caporizzi, Head of the Regional Directorate for “Programming, International and European affairs and Digital Agenda” and ERDF Managing Authority, Government of Umbria Region


Policy capacity for Smart Specialisation Strategies: setting the scene

Smart Specialisation is a complicated and complex policy setting, very demanding in terms of policy capacity. The presentation provides a conceptual framework of policy capacity and some evidence on skills and capabilities for Smart Specialisation Strategies derived from a survey on the Smart Specialisation experience across European regions and countries carried out by the JRC.

Fabrizio Guzzo, Territorial Development Unit, JRC, European Commission (presentation)


Informing policy-making with evidence: skills and approaches

The presentation aims at providing insights into the skill set to inform policy-making with evidence and shed more light on potential barriers and facilitators, as well as the science on collective intelligence.

Florian Schwendinger, Knowledge for Policy: Concepts and Methods Unit, JRC, European Commission

09:45-10:15 Coffee break


Presentation of the PXL methodology

This session will provide some information on the organisation of the following  PXL sessions in which each partner will provide a short account of their experience in defining and implementing monitoring for Smart Specialisation. Presentations will be then followed by a discussion of the key questions, issues and challenges proposed by the three regions under review.

Inmaculada Periañez Forte, Territorial Development Unit, JRC, European Commission (presentation)


Peer-review session 1:Umbria (IT) (presentation and background document)


Peer-review session 2: Lapland (FI) (presentation and background document)




Peer-review session 3: Centro Region (PT) (presentation and background document)


Coffee break

16:30 -17:00

Collective reflection and conclusions

Moderator: Fernando Mérida Martín, Territorial Development Unit, JRC, European Commission.

The three partners under review  will comment on the main recommendations and lessons learnt emerged during the PXL exercise.

Conclusions and follow-up activities will also be provided during this final session.

Practical Information

21 May 2019 to 21 May 2019
Palazzo Donini, Corso Vannucci, n. 96, Perugia (Italy)
Registration Information
Registration is now open. Please, remember to introduce this code: PXLSKILLS2019


Recommended Hotels:

Sangallo Palace Hotel

Via Luigi Masi, 9, 06121 Perugia PG. Tel: +39 075 573 0202

Hotel La Rosetta

Piazza Italia, 19, 06121 Perugia PG. Tel: +39 075 572 0841

Hotel Fortuna

Via Luigi Bonazzi, 19, 06123 Perugia PG. Tel: +39 075 572 2845

Locanda della Posta

Corso Pietro Vannucci, 97, 06121 Perugia PG. Tel: +39 075 572 8925