New publication! The Science for Policy Report "Smart Specialisation in the world, an EU policy approach helping to discover innovation globally" is out
Following the first global workshop on Smart Specialisation held in Seville (Spain) in September 2018, the Smart Specialisation Platform published a Science for Policy Report on "Smart Specialisation in the world, an EU policy approach helping to discover innovation globally".
Following the first global workshop on Smart Specialisation held in Seville (Spain) in September 2018, the Smart Specialisation Platform published a Science for Policy Report on "Smart Specialisation in the world, an EU policy approach helping to discover innovation globally".
The workshop on Smart Specialisation worldwide has showcased the variety of experiences and interests generated by Smart Specialisation on the five continents and represented a first step towards the creation of an international community of Smart Specialisation.
Building on the outcomes and lessons from this event, the Science for Policy Report brings together experiences, policy aspects, challenges and opportunities gravitating around the topic of Smart Specialisation worldwide, and elaborates on the further international potential of the Smart Specialisation concept and approach, including its relevance for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
For further information, please check the page dedicated to the first global workshop on Smart Specialisation worldwide and listen to the testimonials from leading international actors on Smart Specialisation.