Innovative textile partnership - new strategic course and leadership team

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The partnership and the organisation behind the partnership, EURATEX is pleased to announce the launch of a new strategic course to strengthen the voice of the European textile and apparel industry with the European policy institutions in Brussels as well as governmental bodies and partner organisations around the globe.

Over the last 10 years the EU Textile & Clothing industry, representing an annual turnover of over € 171 billion, some 178,000 companies and 1.7 million workers, has been able to modernise and reinvent itself into a forward-looking, innovative and export-oriented sector.

To better reflect its members’ objectives and priorities which in addition to trade and industry policies encompass policy areas such as sustainability, innovation and skills, the Board of Directors of EURATEX has decided to undertake a comprehensive strategy review.

This process will be concluded at end of 2018 and will be led by three newly appointed Policy Directors Ms. Isabelle Weiler (Trade and Industry), Mr. Lutz Walter (Innovation and Skills) and Mr. Mauro Scalia (Sustainable Businesses).

At the same time the Board of Directors of Euratex and its long-serving Director General Mr. Francesco Marchi have decided in mutual agreement to end the collaboration.
Klaus Huneke, President of EURATEX stated “Our industry has undergone a dramatic transformation and the priorities of our companies are broader and their visions more far-reaching than ever. Our representative organisation in Brussels is crucial to safeguard the interests of our industry and to engage with EU policy makers and other key stakeholders in new ways. I have full confidence in our broadened leadership team and its reinforced staff in the Brussels office to deliver on our ambitious programme. I would like to thank Francesco Marchi for the professionalism and dedication with which he served the organization in over two decades. We wish him all the best for his personal and professional future.”

For further information please contact:
Isabelle Weiler
Director Trade & Industry
Tel : +
E mail :
Mauro Scalia
Director Sustainable Businesses
Tel : +
E mail :


Lutz Walter
Director Innovation & Skills
Tel : +
E mail :



EURATEX – the European Apparel and Textile Confederation is representing interests of the European textile and clothing industry at the level of the EU institutions. As the voice of the European textile and clothing industry, EURATEX aims to create a favourable environment within the European Union for the manufacture of textile and clothing products. Its headquarter in Brussels is in close distance from the major EU decision-making institutions.
The EU textile and clothing industry, including manmade fibres, remains an essential pillar of the local economy across the EU regions, at the same time it is intensively competing within the international market striving for a level playing field with the rest of the world. According to the latest EURATEX data, 177,684 EU textile and clothing companies realised in 2016 a turnover of €171 billion and employed 1.7 million workers. In 2016, the Extra-EU exports reached €44,7 billion representing a 26 % share of total turnover. All key figures showed a positive evolutions compared to 2015.
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