INFORMATION DAY: 11 MAY 2016, S3 Platform on Industrial Modernisation and Investment
- 11 May 2016 to 11 May 2016
The S3 Platform, together with DG GROW and DG REGIO, had organised its first Industrial Modernisation Information Day, on 11 May in Brussels to discuss its organisation and explore possible focus areas. The S3 Platform, together with DG RTD, DG Regio and DG Agri, had organised a first Information Day, on 12 May in Brussels, about the start-up of this Agri-Food Platform, to discuss its organisation and explore possible focus areas. The S3 Platform, together with DG GROW and DG REGIO, will organise an Information Day, on the 11th of May in Brussels. This event will focus on the launch of the new Industrial Modernisation S3 Platform, its organisation and focus areas.
Read moreAgenda and Presentations
Draft Agenda (PDF)
Should you need to share the information about the new Platform, please free to use the following PDF documents:
About the S3 Platform for |
Call for |
Please also note that the European Commission is organising a separate Information Day for a new S3 Agri-Food Platform on the 12th of May 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. Further information about the event is available from this web-page.
The SMART REGIONS Conference is a DG REGIO High-Level Event will highlight the key role of regions in developing new growth dynamics for Europe, based on bottom-up entrepreneurship and innovation. The High-Level Event will accelerate the set-up of effective partnerships for co-investing across regions that commit to their smart specialisation priorities. It will show a way forward in using the synergies between the different public and private funding mechanism to support such investment dynamics. Further information about the event is available from this web-page.
Practical Information
- When
- 11 May 2016 to 11 May 2016
- Registration Information
- Registration is closed since seating capacities have been reached. For any further information please contact us directly.
The European Commission had organised a thematic workshop for regional and national authorities, regional clusters and representatives of various industrial sector who are actively interested in co-creating a smart specialisation Industrial Modernisation Platform to share best practices, jointly promote investments and innovation, and develop positions in new global value chains across key European industries.
The event has taken place in Brussels on 11 May 2016 with over 100 participants.
The event offered regions the possibility to define sub-themes of common strategic interest – such as for instance the application of KETs, ICT in various industrial areas.
The sub-themes defined at the workshop will feed into the launch of a Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation and Investment on 1-2 June 2016. In practical terms, these sub-themes are expected to become a priority for the work of the new Platform and these regional partnerships are to be supported by the European Commission.
Please fill in our survey answering to a short set of questions regarding your region's experience and ambition in the context of industrial modernisation investment and innovation for our future activities. It is an ongoing activity intended to build up a database of capabilities related to sub-fields of the platform.
This workshop was organised by the S3 Platform, on the initiative of DG GROW and DG REGIO.
Presentations are to be found here:
Plenary 1 on shaping the new S3 Industrial modernisation platform:
Presentation by DG JRC, S3 Platform
Plenary 2 on participation of regions and industry stakeholders in the platform:
Presentation by Michael Johnsson, Skane on mapping regional innovation eco-system
In the framework of smart specialisation strategies, regional policy and governments can play a key role in modernising EU Industry. To get a higher impact, these efforts should be organised at EU level to allow a combination of different competences and assets that are today available across the EU. This has been confirmed in the Communication "For a European Industrial Renaissance" adopted in 2014, that proposed "to combine regional and industrial policy tools to create [Thematic] Smart Specialisation Platforms to help regions roll out smart specialisation programmes by facilitating contacts between firms and clusters, enabling access to the innovative technologies and market opportunities". This approach was followed by the Vanguard initiative in the area of Advanced Manufacturing.
To achieve this, an integrated approach is necessary to ensure strong involvement of industry in the implementation of smart specialisation strategies and intensify cross-regional cooperation with a particular focus on making better use of clusters and fostering industrial modernisation. The ultimate objective is to facilitate concrete cross-regional innovation that could be supported through the European Structural and Investment Funds, Horizon2020, COSME and European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). In practice, this would mean establishing a specific Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on industrial modernisation and investment, while at the same time, helping to set up European Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments, and putting in place complementary services to support the activities of both.
Further information about the new Platform can be found on a dedicated page.
To learn more about the S3P Project on Global Value Chains in the context of Smart Specialisation, please visit the following web-page.
The Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation and Investment is expected to contribute to the development of common investment projects across and between regional value chains, Important Projects of Common European Interest, new investment platforms under the Investment Plan and/or the development of new or sharing of existing infrastructure such as testing facilities, pilot lines, data centres, and Fab-Labs. The platform will also contribute to improving the business environment by identifying barriers to innovation and investment and address eventually the availability of appropriate skills for implementing industrial modernisation. |
Save-The-Date: High-Level Event 1-2 June 2016, Brussels 'Smart Regions: driving smart specialisation investments in priority areas for European growth.' The new smart specialisation platform for Industrial Modernisation and Investment will be officially launched at this conference which will bring together stakeholders for smart specialisation investments. Regions that have indicated their interest to start a partnership in specific industrial value chains will be invited to present their proposal at the launch event. |