High-Level Workshop on Synergies between European and national/regional research & innovation programmes in the aviation sector

  • 04 Mar 2024 to 04 Mar 2024

This high-level workshop will present the benefits of establishing synergies between EU and regional & national programmes (including for example from the Cohesion Policy Funds/ERDF) and will outline future developments and opportunities.

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Practical Information

04 Mar 2024 to 04 Mar 2024
Registration Information

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co-organised by the European Commission's DG R&I and the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions


This high-level workshop will present the benefits of establishing synergies between EU and regional & national programmes (including for example from the Cohesion Policy Funds/ERDF) and will outline future developments and opportunities. It will showcase key achievements and future plans in the aviation sector from the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, a European public-private partnership between the European Commission through Horizon Europe and the European aeronautics industry. It implements the European Union’s leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • General framework for establishing synergies between Horizon Europe and regional/national programmes, and expected impact.
  • The CAJU’s action plan for synergies with regions: strategy and methodology to develop “synergies by design”, as well as theMemorandum of Cooperation model.
  • The value of synergies: views from regions who have engaged in cooperation with CAJU.
  • EU long terms strategy on synergies in aviation research and innovation.
  • Extending the CAJU model for synergies in aviation to other sectors.

The workshop will take place in hybrid mode on Monday 4 March 2024. It will be scheduled back-to-back with the Clean Aviation Annual Forum 2024 (CAAF24), taking place on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 March 2024, which will provide an outlook to the future of the Clean Aviation programmes and will showcase the achievements of the Clean Sky 2 programme.

Target audience:
The audience will include regional/national representatives of regional/national public authorities developing strategies (e.g. Smart Specialisation Strategies) for research and innovation and managing/implementing funding aligned to such strategies, who are interested in learning more (and potentially to engage) on synergies between European and national/regional programmes, in particular in the area of sustainable aviation research and innovation. 

The workshop is organized for all European regions and, in particular, for those that have identified sustainable aviation, and relevant sectors contributing to this, as a key strategic area in the region’s Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) for the current Operational Programme 2021-2027. 


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at RTD-SYN-AVIATION@ec.europa.eu 
