Connecting Smart and Sustainable Growth through Smart Specialisation

Publication article |

A practical guide for ERDF Managing Authorities (November 2012) - The Europe 2020 strategy is built on the three objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth to be implemented as 'three mutually reinforcing priorities'. In order to deliver on these goals and provide a response to the economic and financial crisis, it is of utmost importance that all involved actors connect these areas of action, involving all relevant stakeholders, developing synergies and boosting the added-value of public investments.


A practical guide for ERDF Managing Authorities (November 2012) - The Europe 2020 strategy is built on the three objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth to be implemented as 'three mutually reinforcing priorities'. In order to deliver on these goals and provide a response to the economic and financial crisis, it is of utmost importance that all involved actors connect these areas of action, involving all relevant stakeholders, developing synergies and boosting the added-value of public investments.

To promote a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy it is clear that the way ahead has to include significant innovation: sustainable growth needs to go hand in hand with smart growth in order for the EU and its citizens to reap the full benefits of a switch to the green economy.

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