Call for EU regions to cooperate on S3 with Argentina and Mexico

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The International Urban Cooperation Project launches a call for EU regions to pair with Salta (Argentina), Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) and Puebla (Mexico)

This call is for EU regions who are interested in developing collaboration opportunities with: Salta (Argentina), Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) and Puebla (Mexico). These calls will be open until the 6th of April 2018.

The EU awarded regions will be visited by the Latin American counterpart on purpose to develop a joint cooperation agenda on innovation themes or sectors of common interest. At the same time, there will be European Union delegations that will visit their Latin American regions counterpart in order to achieve at cooperation agreements or pilot projects for new joint businesses.
The costs of these trips will be covered by the European Commission and a reliable pool of experts will support the regions involved.

IUC-LA is a region-to-region collaboration that aims to enhance innovation, competitiveness and new opportunities for citizens. The objective is to increase connections between European Union territories and their counterparts in Latin America, by creating joint projects and having the opportunity to enter a new market that can prove to be very advantageous for European Union stakeholders. Go here to read more about this project and check out the new regions open for pairing.