Assessment Grid for Evaluating Strategic Policy Frameworks for Digital Growth & Next Generation Network Plans

Publication article | | Jens Sörvik, Alexander Kleibrink and Katerina Stancova

This assessment grid follows a step by step approach to evaluate Strategic Policy Frameworks for Digital Growth and Next Generation Network (NGN) plans.


This assessment grid follows a step by step approach to evaluate Strategic Policy Frameworks for Digital Growth and Next Generation Network (NGN) plans. The steps presented here follow closely the structure of the RIS3 Guide, the guidance presented in
the Digital Agenda Toolbox and the ex-ante conditionalities for European Structural and Investment Funds (for Thematic Objectives 1.1, 2.1 and 2.2).3 This assessment grid does not replace these guidance documents, but rather provides further assistance to policymakers and experts in evaluating the strategy development processes of regions and Member States at the interface of two of the EU's flagship initiatives, the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) and the Innovation Union. The guiding questions are sorted along the different steps of the strategy development process.

Assessment Grid for Evaluating Strategic Policy Frameworks f.pdf
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