2020 Fraunhofer Institute RIS3 Survey available: strategic regional challenges in times of Covid-19
This year’s survey is focusing on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on S3 implementation and on more general issues related to the fulfilment of the future enabling condition linked to S3.
Since 2013, Fraunhofer ISI has conducted annual surveys on policy maker's perception of the European Commission's RIS3 agenda, starting with Smart Specialisation Strategies' general assessment (2013), views on options for implementation (2014), monitoring and the need for interregional collaboration (2015).
This year, their survey focuses not only on the disruptions caused by the pandemic but also on the potentially challenging task of fulfilling the "enabling conditions", as required to see new or revised smart specialisation strategies approved.
Fraunhofer ISI would like to hear your voice on what role Smart Specialisation could play in the future, and subsequently convey key insights to the European Commission.
The survey takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.
More info here.