Värmlands län (SE311)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Karlstad
  • Region size icon 19.296 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 283.196 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 6.990,80 (2009)
  • % of the National GDP 2,22 (2009)
  • % of Unemployment -
  • Regional GERD (%) -
Urban Data Platform

S3 Thematic Platforms

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Advanced Manufacturing and Complex Systems We develop and offer energy and resource-efficient systems solutions and components for, primarily, heavy vehicles, the forest industry and within renewable energy, energy efficiency and hydrodynamics. For companies, we offer membership in a cluster organisation, an open climate of collaboration in which we help each other with problem solutions, development of composite systems and service offers. We support companies in the introduction of advanced manufacturing methods and other key enabling technologies which are relevant for existing production. Companies have access to an open development environment, which includes the Material and Design Centre at Karlstad University as a meeting place. Standard questions for discussions include high-performance steel, such as tool steel as well as the manufacturing of tools and components of this type of steel and the integration of different systems in the products. For researchers we offer a multi-scientific environment led by material science (characterisation and modelling of material) and service research. We also offer a strong network with an international business community and society. The specialisation contributes to decreased emissions of greenhouse gases, less use of non-renewable materials through the development of renewable energy, increased energy efficiency in industrial processes and a reduction in the use of materials. Through collaboration with Paper Province, there is a special emphasis on products and services in the bioeconomy sector. The regional commitment to photovoltaics also generates new opportunities for innovative engineering products.
Forest-Based Bio-Economy We demonstrate bioeconomy throughout Värmland through innovation and also by increasing the selection and demand for forest-based products and services. At the same time, we blaze a trail for converting to a fossil-free and sustainable society. Our fundamental strength is a sustainable forest industry and high-quality raw materials. Forest industry processes and products are the spearhead of our industries. They include cellulose fibre-based packaging materials, tissue paper technology and a knowledge- supporting consulting sector which, together, have the expertise and capacity for industrialising and automating processes for value creation from wood. The advances in packaging, coatings and barriers, printing technology, energy efficiency, purification technology, pulp technology, cellulose derivatives, separation and processing technologies, regional development and service research are our main areas of strength within academic research linked to bioeconomy. This provides a good base for achieving alternative fibre-based products and increased value-added from both existing products and processes from secondary streams. This is possible due to the fact that Värmland has a world-leading cluster within pulp and paper technology - Paper Province - which gathers together business, research, education and the community for value creation with a forest-based bioeconomy as a common ground.
Value-Creating Services Given the progress already made in Värmland within research related to service innovation, service design and servitisation, we continue to develop research and apply it to enhance the abilities of private and public actors to contribute to value creation for customers, users and society as a whole. By working with the other areas of strength in the region, emphasis is placed on the value creation of the specialisations, generating innovation.
Systems' Solutions with Photovoltaics We contribute to renewable power for more people in the world and solutions for having our own control over the production of electric power. The specialisation helps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases as we develop and offer solutions for the production of electric energy from photovoltaics. One example is a photovoltaic system for the rapid electrification of rural areas throughout the world. For companies, we offer an attractive test and development environment for generation and storage of photovoltaics, smart electrical networks and small-scale systems solutions involving photovoltaic technology. Companies established in the region belong to a Norwegian-Swedish innovation system for photovoltaics. For researchers we offer an interdisciplinary environment with cutting edge within materials science and service research as well as a strong network with the business community and society.
Nature, Culture and Place Based Digitalised Experiences We visualise knowhow, stories and natural values of places using digital technology and media in order to create unique experiences for visitors. Using digital technology, we can enhance the experiences and also make it possible to save, share and spread them. In order to develop technology and services, we must take advantage of the benefits of research in cultural geography, media/communications, computer science and services. We should also take advantage of the institutes in the region, as well as the ICT companies in the Compare cluster and in particular companies in the hospitality industry and groups within the public sector who own and manage tourist destinations.
Digitalisation of Welfare Services We are developing and testing welfare services in actual environments with users: women, men, girls and boys as co-creators to provide varying types of solutions, many of which are digital. The public sector is an important user and procurer of these processes. This results in better and more effective care, education and other social services and ultimately happier, more competent and healthier citizens. Companies will have access to real development and testing environments where Nordic Medtest and Experio Lab are examples of strong centres for expertise within the area. Add to this a strong ICT cluster which brings together businesses and a university at the leading edges within computer science and service research. For researchers, we offer a multi-disciplinary scientific environment permitting the gathering of unique data in which nursing, school development, IT and service development welcome patients, students, residents and society in the development of an entirely new value creation processes.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



  • Email: anders.olsson@regionvarmland.se
  • Phone: 0046-54-7011025

Digital Growth

  • Email: lars.falkman@regionvarmland.se
  • Phone: 0046-54-7011020