Örebro län (SE124)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Örebro
  • Region size icon 9.293 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 306.792 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 7.891,22 (2009)
  • % of the National GDP 2,51 (2009)
  • % of Unemployment -
  • Regional GERD (%) -
Urban Data Platform

S3 Thematic Platforms

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Autonomous, digital and intelligent production systems Autonomous, digital and intelligent production systems: - Industrial systems - Logistics - Welfare technology
Inclusive and mobilising innovation Inclusive and mobilising innovation
Food in the intersection of culinary arts, health and sustainability Food in the intersection of culinary arts, health and sustainability: - Food industry and production - Functional and sustainable food - Public meals

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



  • Email: kristina.eklof2@regionorebro.se


  • Email: mikael.jorstig@regionorebrolan.se
  • Phone: +46 - 19 602 63 48