Podlaskie (PL34)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon BiaƂystok
  • Region size icon 20,187.0 km2  
  • Population icon 1,200,982
  • Regional GDP icon 8,033
  • % of the National GDP 2.27
  • % of Unemployment 9.3
  • Regional GERD (%) 0.21
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Metal and machinery industry, shipbuilding and sectors related by value cha Focusing on machinery for machinery in agriculture, food-processing and forestry, and boats production employing modern materials, constructions, and tooling with robotics and ICT solutions.
Agri-food and value chain related sectors The interest in full agri-food value chain from agriculture cultivation thorough food production and logistics employing robotics and ICT solutions.
Eco-innovations, environmental science and sectors related by value chain Focus on eco-innovation and eco-development in agriculture, food production, and tourism, acquisition of raw materials, energy production and energy saving construction including ICT for ecology.
Medical sector, life sciences and sectors related by value chain The improvement in illnesses diagnosis and treatments employing biotechnology and bioinformatics in medicine. Tackling challenge of aging society by regeneration medicine, rehabilitation, physical therapy and health tourism.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities

S3 Supporting activities



  • Email: katarzyna.wozniewska@wrotapodlasia.pl
  • Phone: 0048-85 66 54 902


  • Email: drr.sekretariat@wrotapodlasia.pl
  • Phone: 0048-85 66 54 480