Lubelskie (PL31)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Lublin
  • Region size icon 25,122.0 km2  
  • Population icon 2,171,857
  • Regional GDP icon 13,528
  • % of the National GDP 3.81
  • % of Unemployment 10.3
  • Regional GERD (%) 0.58
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Bioeconomy The use of agricultural and industrial biotechnology, nanotechnology, biophysics in the value chains of sustainable primary production, bio-resources and food production in the sectors of pharmaceutical, energy, eco-business, agro-food, chemical, paper, wood and furniture, information services.
IT & automation The use of mechatronics, smart buildings, control systems, industrial automation and mobile application in the value chains of manufacturing, advanced products and production systems and system services in the sectors of software and IT consultancy, information services, manufacture of electrical equipment, machines, devices, computers, electronic and optical products.
Medicine & Health The use of biotechnology and medical nanotechnology, personalised pharmacotherapy and advanced materials in the value chains of diagnostics, therapy, rehabilitation, prevention care in the sectors of nutrition and dietetics, medical and health-oriented services.
Low-carbon emission energy The use of bio-energy, photonics, clean fossil technologies, prosumer energy, smart energy systems and renewable energy sources in the value chains of acquisition of energy resources, energy production and storage, energy distribution in sectors mining and its supporting services, production and supply of energy.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities

S3 Supporting activities



  • Email:
  • Phone: 0048-81 537-16-35


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0048- 81 537 16 56


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0048- 81 537 16 56