Alsace (FR42)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Strasbourg
  • Region size icon 8,280.2 km2  
  • Population icon 1,857,477
  • Regional GDP icon 51,192
  • % of the National GDP 2.64
  • % of Unemployment 7.7
  • Regional GERD (%) 1.67
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Environment friendly equipment and tools. This is part of the activity labelled as Green economy. It involves machinery and equipment and tools (eco-conception, end-of-life product conception, automatisation and engines
Health and well-being - 1/ e-health (prevention, autodiagnostic, tele-consultation and remote monitoring), ICT related aspects of e-health. 2) New drugs (biotech, biomarkers, nanomaterial, genomics, chemistry and biology), 3) robotics & medical & surgical care (non-invasive mini surgery, micro-robots for the exploration of the body, tele-robotics and reeducation, social robots for diagnosis and cognitive & emotional stimulation, robotics software) 4) tools for assisting diagnosis based on medical imagery (and ultra-sound) 5) Medical implants (passive such as prothesis and active such as pacemakers) 6) prevention through nutrition
Green economy Composed of various axis: 1/ Sustainable, healthy and low environmental impact buildings; 2/ Renewable energy; 3/ sustainable transport; 4/ water management; 5/ Low environmental impact agriculture and manufacturing.
Renewable energies This is the 2nd axis of GREEN ECONOMY. It involves biogas, biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity
Sustainable transportation and mobility services 3rd axis of GREEN ECONOMY. It involves ICT for transport efficiency, road safety, real time traffic information, economy of oil
Measure water to better manage it. 4th axis of GREEN ECONOMY. This involves water management technologies, water consumption reduction, collective water management, laboratory water analysis.
Agriculture innovation and environmental impact reduction 5th axis of GREEN ECONOMY. It involves agricultural exploitation competitiveness, quality of production, underground water preservation. Wine production

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



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