Kainuu (FI1D4)

General Information

Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Wood industry for building, construction and training
Health and well-being Tourism, nutrition innovations, health, sport & fitness
Natural resources, green mining and bioeconomy Mining (Green mining, process and environmental applications) and Bioeconomy (Forestry biomass, Bioenergy and Wood industry)
ICT and information systems Measurement technology, data-centres, games and simulators.
Forestry biomass and bioenergy. Forestry biomass and bioenergy.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



  • Email: pentti.malinen@kainuu.fi
  • Phone: 00358-44 797 0197


  • Email: jouni.ponnikas@kainuu.fi
  • Phone: 00358-40 574 0804