Kanta-Häme (FI1C2)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Hämeenlinna
  • Region size icon 5.708 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 170.213 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 4.635,91 (2009)
  • % of the National GDP 2,55 (2009)
  • % of Unemployment 6.5
  • Regional GERD (%) -
  • S3 related National Website 
Urban Data Platform

S3 Thematic Platforms

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Creative Business Travel industry, Culture, Wellbeing & Sports, Smart Services – creative combinations of nature, culture, wellbeing and sports with digital smart services offer new opportunities especially for SME’s in the region.
Built Environment Smart Traffic, Ecological construction, Environmental construction – new emerging opportunities implementing new technologies and more sustainable and energy efficient solutions.
Industry 4 Steel industry, IoT and robotics, smart production. Steel production and manufacturing companies form the strong industrial basis of the region.
Sustainable use of natural resources Bio economy, circular economy, smart agriculture and food industry. Häme Region is known for its expertise related to bio and circular economy, strong focus on practical implementation and collaboration with industry. Experimentation with new protein sources, water protection, reuse of materials.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



  • Email: marko.mally@hame.fi
  • Phone: marko.mally@hame.fi


  • Email: minna.takala@hame.fi
  • Phone: 358 - 50 - 526 4648