Andalusia (ES61)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Sevilla
  • Region size icon 87.597 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 8.519.106 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 160.746,99 (2021)
  • % of the National GDP 13,32 (2021)
  • % of Unemployment 19,10 (2022)
  • Regional GERD (%) 1,09 (2020)
Urban Data Platform

S3 Thematic Platforms

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Healthy and safe food Innovation in agri-food industry, including functional and customized food habits; food safety traceability; aquaculture and fish industries with the exploitation of opportunities resulting from green and blue economy.
Digital Economy Incorporation of ICT infrastructure, development, and digital processes to strategic industries, business activities, civil society and for the development of e-government. This will include IoT, Big Data, Could Computing, etc.
Health and well-being systems Fostering the public health and welfare systems through new integrated models of health and well-being management based on e-health and big data exploitation; biotechnology, regenerative medicine, healthy leaving and ageing
Tourism innovation Research, experimentation, demonstration and technology transfer projects in the field of the tourism industry; cultural heritage management; leisure and cultural tourism.
Natural resources management Research and innovation on sustainable management of natural resources; improved competitiveness of agriculture and cattle industry; CO2 capture by natural and cultivated ecosystems; water cycle management. Bio based economy. Experimentation on new models to fight against desertification. Integrated management of coastal areas; mining and mining recovery. Experimentation on new models of integrated water cycle management.Research on bio products and biorefineries preparing the bio based economy.Experimentation on new models of fight against desertification. Integrated management of coastal areas (blue economy.
Advanced Transport Systems and advance manufacturing Development of Advanced Transport Systems, new materials and production processes for the transport industry, including autonomous systems (UAV, AGV); new developments in electric vehicles; advanced manufacturing technologies and systems for the transport industry.
Transport and logistics Innovative business activities on logistics and transport, particularly regarding the major productive sectors in Andalucía (agri-food, aeronautics, energy sectors); mobility and urban transport infrastructures.
Promotion of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency - generation and integration systems of renewable energies. smart energy networks (smart grids): capture, transformation, transport and storage. high capacity energy storage systems. efficient energy management in production activities. energy efficiency in building and restoration. new materials and processes for sustainable building. energy sustainability in rural areas.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities

Digital Innovation Hubs

Technical Competences

Services Provided

Market Sectors

You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool



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  • Phone: 0034-955 039 840

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