Basque Country (ES21)
General Information
- Vitoria-Gasteiz
- 7.228 km2 (2015)
- 2.176.918 (2022)
- 71.706,52 (2021)
- % of the National GDP 5,94 (2021)
- % of Unemployment 8,70 (2022)
- Regional GERD (%) 2,20 (2020)
- S3 related National Website
S3 Thematic Platforms
S3 Priorities
Name | Description |
Sustainable buildings | Advance processing and materials for improving construction processes and energy efficiency. Improvement of the accessibility conditions for senior people |
Renewable energy | Renewable energy particularly regarding to marine offshore energy testing, energy storage systems, integrated systems and residual heat exploitation. |
Advanced manufacturing to transform Basque industry | Development of the Basque Open Industry Platform 4.0 concept, with particular attention to distributed intelligent manufacturing, improvement of human capital skills and capabilities by promotion of STEM studies in Secondary Education. Also advancement of offshore manufacturing |
Health Research and Biosciences | Health research focused on rare diseases, personalised medicine, equipment and applied ICT. |
Building a new circular economy | Moving towards a new production model based on a circular-economy view of the production of goods and services; reducing consumption and waste of raw materials, water and energy sources. Transition is based on the principle of closing the life cycle of products, services, waste, materials, water and energy. The model includes more green and new types of products and businesses; appraisal of residuals; cleaner technologies and processes; preservation and regeneration for a sustainable territory; treatment and recuperation of water and soil; and adaptation and mitigation of climate change and eco-systemic services. |
Healthy and safe food | New Food Production systems; healthy and sustainable food processing; gastronomy; and the use of ICT technologies to increase food safety quality and traceability. |
Cultural and Creative Industries | Cultural and creative industries, including videogames, audio-visual performance, editing, visual marketing, music, language, crafts, publishing, architecture, fashion, design, gastronomy, etc. |
You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities
Digital Innovation Hubs
Technical Competences
Services Provided
Market Sectors
You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool
Bilbao Elgezabal, Leire
- Email:
- Phone: 0034-945 018 215