Denmark (DK)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Copenhaguen
  • Region size icon 42.924 km2   (2015)
  • Population icon 5.873.420 (2022)
  • Regional GDP icon 336.718,84 (2021)
  • % of the National GDP 100,00 (2021)
  • % of Unemployment 4,50 (2022)
  • Regional GERD (%) 2,81 (2021)
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Animation, games and film - emerging industry Animation, games and film cover the companies working with all of or part of the value chain within the production of animation, games, film, TV, commercials and interactive technologies as well as the distribution through licensing, publishing and streaming.
Robot and drone technology - emerging industry Robot and drone technology cover the technologies aimed at increasing the productivity across industries and making them more efficient. The area covers e.g. surveillance drones, collaborative robots and semiautonomous systems.
Finances and Financial Technology (FinTech) Finances and financial technology (FinTech) cover banks and investment companies, insurance firms, pension funds and other related companies in the financial sector. Fintech includes digital financial technologies, where a number of well-established companies and entrepreneurs work in the interface between finance and IT.
Advanced Production Advanced production covers value chains within manufacturing companies and automation technology. A significant segment consists of companies manufacturing machinery.
Construction and building Construction and building cover the whole value chain of the industry, which is e.g. building, architects, consultancy firms and building materials. Construction mainly covers transport infrastructure as well as the running and maintenance of it.
Tourism Tourism covers companies such as hotels, campsites, restaurants, transport companies, tourist attractions and amusement activities as well as the industries which experience the side effects, e.g. in retailing. Tourism is divided into the following business areas: coastal and nature tourism, city tourism and business tourism.
Digital Technologies Digital technologies cover IT companies developing software and IT related products and services including artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer technology, digital communication, big data, block chain, data analysis and Internet of Things.
Food and Bio Resources Food and bio resources cover the supply and value chain from primary production to processing and distribution of food and value creation through biological residuals and biproducts as well as environmental and climate friendly alternatives within green gasses, materials, chemicals and feed.
Energy Technology Energy technology covers technologies related to the production of energy and energy- efficient solutions in a commercial sense. The area includes industries and value chains within energy production, infrastructure, storage, transport and logistics, conversion and planning as well as energy-efficient technologies, electrification, sector coupling, design, counselling and system integration.
Life Science and Welfare Technology Life Science and Welfare Technology covers the whole value chain within medicine, biotech and medico products. Welfare technology includes technical and digital aids and solutions used in elder care and social services as well as in the health sector.
Environmental Technology Environmental technology covers all solutions within cleansing of water, air or soil, water supply, wastewater, chemical substitutes, waste management, circular economy, climate adaptation, resource efficiency, process optimisation of waste reduction as well as new and recycled plastic.
Design, Fashion and Furniture Design, fashion and furniture cover design companies which work with e.g. graphic and visual design, product design, interior design and clothing, including styling and production of furniture, interior, textiles, fashion articles etc.
Maritime Industry and Logistics Maritime industry and logistics cover the whole value chain from production and development of equipment and technology to management, service and logistics from the global sender to the recipient. This includes sea transport, end-to-end logistic solutions both on land, at sea and in the air as well as related areas of transporting goods and passengers including the needs and potentials of development and innovation.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities

Digital Innovation Hubs

Technical Competences

Services Provided

Market Sectors

You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool

S3 Supporting activities



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  • Phone: 0045 35291700