Saxony (DED)
General Information
- Dresden
- 18.420 km2 (2015)
- 4.043.002 (2022)
- 135.328,07 (2021)
- % of the National GDP 3,76 (2021)
- % of Unemployment 3,10 (2022)
- Regional GERD (%) 2,96 (2019)
- S3 related National Website
S3 Thematic Platforms
S3 Priorities
Name | Description |
Advanced production technologies | Advanced production technologies |
New materials | New materials |
Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
Nano technology | Nano technology |
Microelectronics including organic and polymer electronics | Microelectronics including organic and polymer electronics and semi-conductors |
Photonics | Photonics |
ICT and digital communication | IT infrastructures, e-commerce, e-business, e-government, software development, IT services, mobile embedded elements for communication among daily objects and towards their environment (embedded systems and internet of things), self-learning systems for the creation and storage of knowledge and learning, time and resource efficient computing systems for simulation and visualisation, applications for IT security with legal implications (identity management, authentification, linking information) and cyber physical systems |
You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities
Digital Innovation Hubs
Technical Competences
Services Provided
Market Sectors
You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool
Dr. Slavtchev, Viktor
- Email:
- Phone: 0049 351 564 83804